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Assalamualaikun ♥ Salam Sejahtera ♥ Annyeong Haseyo ♥ Fida Here
Everhthing Going Smoothly. Thank You Allah !
Monday 23 January 2012 ? 1 Juri ♥ ?

Alhamdulillah... saya di rumah... ^^ tapi tak lama punn.. tp bestt la jgk drpd stay kat kolej tue...4days bercuti nie tak de ape pun yg istemewa, tak de la nak pergi melancong ke, window shopping ke, juz stay fully at home.. its juz make me happy already.. with all my sis's and brother. Being at home andd become housewife to-be. wakaka.. Mom takde laa . So ape lg, kne buat la kann.. Yg best nye jd penyibuk buat  cake, buat yam ice cream.. Waa bestt besttt ! Thumbs up la ! Wink Wink ;) credit to u sis. Muah!

Then, b4 balik hari tue pun, my classmates sing a song for me .. 'Happy Birthday Fida '  . . 'Love u '..  yaa.. thanks guys... i do love u all too.. sayangg korang ketat2! Pray for my happiness and May Allah Bless Me n all of us too.. Ameennn.. Making a speech n talk to them in front of the class .. Alhamdulillah tahun nie genap la 15 tahun.. Haha..Sumpah diorang bising...Mau tak bising kan aku tak mengaku umo aku sebenarnye... Ala ok ape, aku kan budak paling kecik dlm class... hee . Juz kidding la! ;)

InsyaAllah...im going to be more matured than b4 juz like my age.. Doakan sy ya.. Semoga tahun ini lebih baik daripada sebelumnya..

da tua dah saya . yesss !

if i hurt , then i'm sorry . Assalamualaikum :)

Awak baca ke ? Terima kasih awak ye :D

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